Southwestern New York State Economic Plan
Focus Group MeetingsInfrastructure surfaced as a primary concern in every focus group and is a major barrier to regional resilience. Investing in public works, creating equitable access to broadband, repairing and replacing housing, and creating robust transportation systems are all critical to ensure the region is resilient to adverse weather events and economic crises.
Households Without a Vehicle in 2021: Regional average 11.3% Allegany County Chautauqua County Cattaraugus County 7.4% 12.9% 10.8 % According to the U.S. DOT Bureau of Transportation Statistics, U.S. households "spent an average of $10,961 on transportation in 2021—the second largest household expenditure category after housing when spending on behalf of households, such as healthcare benefits, is excluded... Rural households spent more on transportation ($13,665) and experienced a higher transportation cost burden (17.3 percent) than urban households ($10,362 and 13.2 percent, respectively) in 2021." |