water source management.
STW established a Watershed Coalition to assist in developing a Watershed Management Program to implement various projects and improve stormwater management practices through training and demonstrations. The Watershed Coalition is comprised of 25 agencies from within Allegany, Cattaraugus, and Chautauqua Counties. An Education Committee was established through the Coalition membership.
Currently, STW working on the Drinking Water Source Protection Program (DWSP2) with NYS DEC and NYS DOH. DWSP2 is a free state supported program for municipalities to take action to protect their water sources and surrounding environment.
Currently, STW working on the Drinking Water Source Protection Program (DWSP2) with NYS DEC and NYS DOH. DWSP2 is a free state supported program for municipalities to take action to protect their water sources and surrounding environment.
Contact Sarah Swinko, Community Sustainability Planner
716-945-5301 Ext. 2207 / E-mail
716-945-5301 Ext. 2207 / E-mail