clean energy communities.
New York State is trying to reach its Clean Energy Standard of 50 percent of the State's electricity to come from renewable resources by 2030. STW is assisting communities to complete at least four out of ten high-impact actions, making them eligible to apply for funding of up to $250,000 with no local costs of receiving up to 25% paid in advance to support additional clean energy projects.
In 2020, Central New York Regional Planning Board was rewarded a five-year contract from NYSERDA, of which STW is a sub-grantee.
In 2020, Central New York Regional Planning Board was rewarded a five-year contract from NYSERDA, of which STW is a sub-grantee.
Contact Jon Mayr, Clean Energy Communities Coordinator
716-945-5301 Ext. 2232 / E-mail
716-945-5301 Ext. 2232 / E-mail