economic development.
Comprehensive Economic Strategic Planning Process (CEDS)
Southern Tier West annually undertakes a comprehensive economic development strategic planning process for the region, leading to the annual publication of a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) document, a strategic economic development plan for the region that provides direction for diversifying and strengthening our region's economy. The CEDS analyzes our region's economy, specifies regional goals and objectives, specifies a regional plan of action for achieving these goals and objectives (i.e. strategies for doing so), and identifies priority projects and funding sources to implement these strategies. Southern Tier West continuously accepts input and content suggestions for the CEDS.
The CEDS document is prepared according to federal (US Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration or EDA) specifications regarding planning process, document format, and document content.
The CEDS document is prepared according to federal (US Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration or EDA) specifications regarding planning process, document format, and document content.
EDA Grant Assistance
Southern Tier West assists the Economic Development Administration EDA in providing funding for economic development projects in the region through planning, project development assistance, financial priorities, project monitoring, and program and project evaluation. Occasionally, STW will sponsor an EDA-funded project.
Contact Kimberly LaMendola, Regional Economic Development Coordinator
716-945-5301 Ext. 2211 / E-mail
716-945-5301 Ext. 2211 / E-mail